Saturday, 8 November 2014


“War is sweet to them that know it not”

– Pindar

Pindar was an ancient Greek poet and politician from Theban origins. He is known for his brilliant poetry that often challenged who ever read it. On the news or social media we always hear about warmongers wanting to erase an entire ethnicity or religion. World War II happened about 75 years ago, not very far in to the past. Do they remember what horrors and misery that it brought to others? How a land of many trees and singing birds gets turned into a lifeless and grey battlefield? What joy exists in killing the other people? Maybe we should leave our media in its raw form to the young and old, show them what true misery is. Because it is reality that warmongers don’t know anything about war, as Pindar the Greek poet said.

“The future depends on what we do in the present”

– Mahatma Ghandi

The majority of us know who Mahatma Ghandi is, the reason for India’s independence. He is widely known for the fact that his movement for independence was completely free of violence. The reason why I am sharing this quote is because it is our reality. India’s independence is a great demonstration of this quote. Had not Ghandi started his movement, India would’ve still remained an English colony.  I personally determined my future through my actions, but sometimes the boats have to sail the winds way.

“The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you never know whether or not they are genuine”

– Abraham Lincoln

Now this quote does not hold any historic accuracy in it. Its purpose is to inform others that “quotes” found in “the internet” are not necessarily “genuine.” It uses Abraham Lincoln, the president of the United States during the 1860s, to demonstrate how some quotes are attributed to the wrong persons or are completely made up. I personally did encounter this problem previously, where I have read completely made up words and quotes credited to the wrong person. Even in my search I have found a quote shared by the infamous Adolph Hitler and Mahatma Ghandi. The problem of verifying quotes is easy to overcome with a little search effort though.

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